Sunday, January 5, 2014

First week on the island

I'm playing catch up here from my journal because I haven't been able to blog due to Greg's laptop being down. So here  is the first page of my journal:

12/31/13 7:05 AM 

It' my 4th day on the island and I've yet to adjust to the day and time difference. Which basically means I wake up at 3 AM on the dot every day which would be 9 AM back home. On top of that I haven't really felt good since I've been here. My whole family was fighting a stomach bug on Christmas, so I assumed that combined with a 33 hour travel itinerary, jet lag, and lack of good eating has been what's dragging me down. Yesterday around noon I finally started feeling myself. So on to the good stuff let me catch you up from day one!

One thing not many people have probably experienced is flying on/off of a runway of which the whole length of is the entire island....for those of you who haven't let me tell ya SCARY SHIT! I fly often enough I never really get scared but when you look down and see your descent is almost complete and you still see no land under you, just ocean you start to panic. I just knew we were going to touch down in the ocean. Obviously I'm aliving writing this so we made it but talk about freaky. Here's a little pic to get you some of an idea...but not really capturing the no land part:

Obviously I'm alive writing this so we made it but talk about freaky! And as you can imagine the same level of freakiness taking off, it looked like we were going to drive right off the runway into the ocean.

So after a few more island stops and a bit of a delay I arrived into Kwajalein. I felt like a kid at Christmas when we pulled up. As I walked off the plane I could see Greg waving at me outside the fence. AHHH FINALLY! But all the passengers had to go inside the "Airport," which is the size of my living room. As soon as you enter all the officials make you put your bags on the red line, take a seat, and fill out paperwork. The polic K9 comes in and sniffs the baggage and after about 20 minutes of processing I was the last one to be let FREE lol. I hopes the door and found my love hiding around the corner trying to surprise me. 


It was so great to finally be back in his arms. BUT after all this flying I'm still not to my final destination. The next flight we have to catch is a daily flight they run back and forth from Kwajalein to Roi. That flight was only about 15 minutes and it was really awesome to be able to see the different tiny beautiful islands in the chain of the Marshal Islands from above.

At last we arrive in Roi Namur, my honey's home for the next year. Thankfully Greg knew I'd be exhausted from all the traveling. and had rented one of the few golf carts on the island for us to use for the day so we wouldn't have to walk. I am already in AWE of the views that surround me, can't believe I'm here. The waters are such a bright turquoise blue, it looks like fake picture you'd see on a calendar.

We walk into his "bachelor quarters" much like a dorm or small apartment with a kitchenette. I am so proud of my man's "bach pad" though! He worked hard to make it nice and home like for me. My books and art supplies were all stored away and a shelf he bought and put together, and decorated with our pictures and shells he's collected at the beach. He even stocked up the pantry with all my favorite snack and stocked up the bathroom with lady he's a keeper! There's also two clocks on the wall one with Iowa time and on with Island time!

So that's the first update on my getting here venture stay tuned as I'm already working on my first few days blog, since as I said I'm having to play catch up since I wasn't able to blog. I hope you enjoy and keep reading! Feel free to leave some love in the comments! 


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