Friday, December 20, 2013

Questions you get when you have Tattoos!

Alright this blog was inspired by the article I just read and couldn't agree more with on check it out here

So first off if you don't know me I have a few tattoos. Here are some....

Now the first two are my Grandparents when they we're around 15 years old. TRUE High School Sweethearts! And the last one is my most recent finished piece, which is hard to get a picture of. It says "Even The Darkest Night Will End And The Sun Will Rise."

So if you read that article from thought catalog here is my response which I am re posting from my personal facebook:

OMG I can't love this article enough I want to blog on this topic! My favorites are these numbers...

1. Did it hurt? 2. Don’t you regret them? 3. Don’t you respect yourself? 4. How are you going to feel about them when you’re old? 6. But what does it mean? 8. What do your parents think about them?

I could go ON and ON. So my little tiny rant and answers.
DUH it hurt, but obviously it depends on your pain tolerance and yours is different than mine. Hell no I don't regret them. Nope not even the tramp stamp that says my name...every single one of them was me at one point in my life. So maybe I wouldn't get the same one now as a 25 year old, or when I'm 35, but as an 18 year old I did and that's a stage of my life and a part of who I was and am today.

Do you need a tattoo to remember stages of your life, absolutely not. Do I have them anyway? YEP! That one also goes with the what does it mean question? Welp all of them have different meanings but don't ask me if you don't want to know the most amazing love story of two of the most important wonderful people in my life, my grandparents. Tattoos are so trashy right? Getting a portrait of the ONLY couple I know who's first and last kiss was to each other, literally til death (of my gpa) do them part. (I admit my Grandma does hate tattoos though.) Respect myself? Of course I respect myself, I love myself actually, you should learn to love yourself too and not judge others on appearance. You'll live a much happier life, trust me!
OH and when I'm old IM WRINKLY anyways so why not be tattooed and wrinkly?! I really don't think I'll be the only one in my generation rockin a sleeve or two in the nursing home. I'll be the "bad bitch" of the old folk home! HA! Just kidding. And why would my parents care? They are cool and love me for being unique weird me, wouldnt have it any other way! 

One more question they didn't address, or more of a statement.

"You'll never get a good job with tattoos all over." You're right. Although I seem to remember having a great job before my new one (that I willingly transfered to) at this place you've probably never heard of, it's called Wells Fargo. LoL I made great money there and even better money at my new take that statement and shove it!


Sunday, December 8, 2013

White Snow to White Sand

Guess what?!?!?!

I'm out of here! I am leaving Iowa the day after Christmas for the months of January and February and can't wait to get out this miserable cold weather! I'm going to stay with my boyfriend who currently lives and works on a tiny (basically deserted) island in the middle of the ocean. Rough right? Well here is a picture from my front door step today...

And here is a picture my boyfriend sent me of the view he has to deal with...

Any sane person would clearly prefer the 2nd picture, the white sand and beautiful blue waters over Iowa's dead trees and freezing cold snow and ice. 

So what the hell is this place called and where exactly is it you ask?

Kwajalein Atoll. Ever heard of it? Me neither. It is part of the Marshall Islands and to put into perspective it's about halfway between Australia and Hawaii and just 9 degrees north of the equator. The island Kwajalein is 3 miles long by barely 3/4 mile wide. The population is around 1,000. Small right? WELL if you think that's small the island Greg (my boyfriend) is on and where I am going is 50 miles North of that island and is called Roi-Namur. Roi (for short) is just 2 miles long and 1/2 mile wide. Population here is 100. Now that makes Kwajalein look big huh? To put it in Midwest Iowa farmer terms basically that's a well off acreage around here. TINY! 

Here is a picture from the plane that Greg took of the islands....

Here is a map to show you how far across the world my other half is from me..

And here is the breakdown of the Kwajalein Atoll islands....

It's crazy isn't it?

Well if you know either of Greg and I, It really isn't. This adventure of tiny island living and long distance madness couldn't be more perfect for two people like us. We are both crazy, spontaneous, outgoing, always up for a new adventure type people. Our love story in itself and the how we met story is a crazy story and will be a whole new blog in itself, so stay tuned for that one! <3 You really do find it when you're not looking. So here's to the next 17 days and hoping they fly by so I can see my honey, I miss him beyond words! Just look how cute we are....


Monday, November 25, 2013

Fernweh? Why?

This is it. My first ever blog. So much pressure to write amazing articles and make sure to use good grammar and punctuation...HA! Wish me luck!

So I decided that I travel enough and have so much interesting stuff that happens in my life that starting a blog would be a great way to document it all while keeping my friends and family posted on whats going on in my crazy life. Often I have to pinch myself wondering if my life is real or a movie.

A little about me. My name is not Chelsey Fernweh, but for please don't stalk me purposes I've chosen not to post my real last name. "Fernweh" I came across on this website you've probably never heard of....Pinterest. ;) A friend said it reminds her of me and I couldn't agree more. So there you have it my new Blogger name Chelsey Fernweh.

I am a 25 year old outgoing lady (ha or lack of lady) with alot of passion for adventure and happiness in this crazy world. Born and raised in the Midwest...Des Moines, IA. I am absolutely obsessed with my 5 lb. long hair chihuahua, Reesie. Yes she is tattooed on my arm. I love her THAT much!

I like to think I'm pretty normal as far as the average 20 something year old female goes. I'm into traveling, photography, music, my family, fitness, yoga, art, my boyfriend, shopping, and being happy!

Please stay tuned to the Chelsey Fernweh Blog as I've got an amazing crazy traveling opportunity coming up in the months of January and February that even I can't believe I get to do! And stories galore to catch you up on!