Saturday, October 18, 2014

Saturday Creativeness

All week I told myself I was going to devote my entire weekend to crafting and revamping the house. It's only Saturday night and I have already accomplished a TON.

As I sit here typing this blog (trying to stay awake at 11...I'm pathetic,) I realize I haven't showered since my 9:30 A.M. workout class...and in fact I do smell pretty rank. I have paint all over my hands and also just realized I haven't even ate dinner (unless a glass of wine and an entire bag of lindor chocolate truffles throughout the night counts?) But I am loving my busy day and progress. Unfortunately the house has paid for my success, it looks like a hobby lobby semi truck crashed into my kitchen!

My morning started at 9:00 A.M. I woke up and went to Zumba, after that I was supposed to meet a lady who I was buying a little table from. (I found the item on a buy/sell facebook page, those are my favorite thing lately!) So I drive to Woodward, IA to pick up this table and was a little hesitant going to the boonies for this random item from someone I don't know. I sent a text to my best friend and told her who and where I was going in case the sellers were murderers and I never came home!
Boy was I wrong, the lady who posted it was actually the daughter of the woman selling it and she was so darn sweet. I got there and it was a little old lady who had quite a houseful of stuff, she said her daughter had been selling stuff for her, and she was trying to pack and get rid of stuff since her husband passed away. Her eyes filled up with tears as she said those words to me...I couldn't help but hug her, I could see her heart aching. We small talked about him and his Marine background for quite some time and then talked crafts. She actually made the table with the mosaic tiles herself. She was selling it to me for $5. What a steal! It was a cool table but pretty dirty and had some stickers all over it so I took it home and got out the hose and scrubber! Here is what it looked like before....

I scrubbed, scraped, washed, and started painting it black. I was hesitant at first on what to do with it, I wasn't sure if I should cover up the tiles and mosaic pieces she put in it. I also didn't know if I should try to sand and stain, paint cream, or just go black. I ended up choosing black. I used spray paint, because it's easiest...and I'm lazy and messy. I was literally done in probably 10 minutes with this treasure.

Here is how she turned out, I decided on putting it in my entryway of my town house. Right when you go upstairs from the front door is where this is.

A picture showing the difference from before and after...really a little TLC made a huge difference, doesn't even look like the same table!

Once I realized what a difference just adding the table in my entryway made, I wanted to revamp the area a little bit. It's funny how the smallest changes can make a world of difference, in decorating and really any situation in life. So here is what the area looked like before, with no table...

So I did some scroungin' around the house/garage (I'll be honest I am a bit of a hoarder of cheap junk/thrift finds) and found some things to try to spruce up the area. The first thing I grabbed was a .79 cent treasure I found at Goodwill...
Lame huh? Well I took the price tag off, grabbed my sander, put it to the wood for about 20 seconds, brought it inside and glued a black "S" on it that I had leftover from our Wedding Décor....

Looks a little different now huh? So I hammered a nail in the wall and stuck it above my new table....
I'm still not sure if I like the composition and/or what should be on the table but for now I like it...what do you think? I tell ya one thing that drives me crazy, no actually three. The vent, thermostat, and light switches messing up my decorating game! LoL

I forgot to mention my other Goodwill finds, the picture frame and the thing on the left side of table...

I found it for $2.00 today and love it. It says "Be The Change You Want To See In The World." And at the top there I a little slit to drop your change in it...which meant I could throw away the red solo cup in my kitchen collecting change. Perfect....great quote that also serves a purpose!

So my day was far from over after all this, I also started some Christmas crafts and since it's too cold to work in the garage, my kitchen became the crafting spot.

Here's what I came up with today...

Big snowman, and a failed attempt at Rudolph! Haha

A Christmas countdown sign!

I can't even believe I am sharing my disaster of a kitchen with you guys! I am also I the process of changing my theme in the kitchen from coffee to wine...

Anyways today was a very successful day in my book, but I desperately need to take a shower and get to bed so I can get back at it tomorrow! <3 Goodnight All!

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