Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Truth is I don't know where to start on this blog.....

I will start with this. About a month and half ago I got a random phone call from my realtor. He had asked me if I had any interest in selling my house because the 2 townhouses next to mine he sold very fast and he had a buyer interested in them still. Keep in mind my house wasn't for sale but my realtor knew mine had relatively the same layout and he just wanted to check with me. The amount that it could potentially sell for was far more than I paid for it, so it was hard to say no....but I didn't have any plans on moving anytime SOON so I just kind of put that call on the back burner. I saw the two houses next to mine had the SOLD signs in the lawn and watched the owners move out over the next couple weeks. That's the end of that story.

The other night I was feeling tired and lazy so I ordered Chinese. (Why am I blogging about that you ask?) LoL Well my fortune cookie looked like this....

To most that's just whatever, a dumb fortune cookie. But every once in a while you just get a feeling about things. I liked this fortune, and I liked the feeling I had right then in that very (fat) moment in time. I took a picture of it and sent it to my husband. Woop de do right?

So life went on after I ordered Chinese, believe it or not.

I continued my life working and crafting as usual. Called and skyped my husband who lives 6,400 miles away. Being in a long distance relationship and now marriage has never been easy, but honestly it's all we've ever known. We knew it would be hard for quite some time and we were ready to take it on and move towards our long term goal. Our goal was to move outside of the states to a gorgeous island where Greg could take on his diving dreams and goals, I could take on my art, and we could most importantly LIVE TOGETHER as husband and wife. Truly really start our lives together.

About a year ago Greg tried applying for a job on an island called Curacao in hopes we could both move there and begin our goals. Lots of waiting, wishing, hoping happened but long story short he never got the job. Recently Greg has been applying for a few new opportunities where we could get closer to our goal and finally be together. Curacao is where we really wanted to be, but whatever happened we would be happy and make work. Greg really hadn't heard back on any jobs so the plan was the same as it was the year prior. I was going to spend my Winter with him on the island he lives on now (Roi-Namur) and come March, head back to Iowa and back to work. We would get used to life apart again and continue on.

I wake up the other morning, go to work, and later in the day get a text message from my husband with a photo of an offer letter from the job he wanted in Curacao. Oh my gosh....serious, could this really happen!? Through the next couple days (of crazy anxiety) we wondered if it would work and if it would really happen. I could hardly stand waiting and not knowing, I didn't want to get my hopes up though either because we've done that many time before. I get a text from him a few days later and he says I need to call him IMMEDIATELY! Sure enough I call him within a few minutes and he sounds all bummed out, and I'm instantly thinking the worst. After about thirty seconds he quietly says "I got the job." OH MY GOSHHH! He follows it up with telling me we can finally start our life together, being together, living our dream in the Caribbean, and loving each other. I instantly cry, tears of happiness and joy.....I had so many emotions going through my head at the time and we had SO much to figure out in such a short amount of time I didn't know where to start besides calling my Mom and screeching out the exciting news!

So there you have it folks. My husband and I will be starting our new life together on the island of Curacao. For those of you who don't know where that is. Curacao is in the Caribbean Sea just off the coast of Venezuela. It is part of the ABC islands, and sisters next to Aruba and Bonaire. Here's a map for a better idea. =)

I am beyond excited to share this news. We couldn't be any happier, I love my husband so much and am so proud of him. I can't wait to start this adventure. There is still SO MUCH to figure out but he has to leave soon to start work. I will be selling my house, and literally selling every single thing I own. I'm packing a suitcase and taking my dog, so CRAZY to think about that. So if you're interested in a house or anything I own, now is the time. It's going to be a very expensive move for us so I'm hoping through selling everything we can make a decent amount to take along with us. Honestly the faster the better so I can get out there to our new HOME and start living our new life together! You can bet your ass I'm contacting the realtor to see if those people are still interested. And crossing my fingers that him contacting me was a sign.

It will probably take quite a while for me to get these things done and I'm stressed and anxious as ever, but gunna get it all figured out. Oh and one other crazy part of this is, we don't speak Dutch....haha that is the main language on the island! We have so much we will have to adjust to and a new culture to understand by moving out of the United States. New currency, language, way of life, and new friends and experiences FAR FAR away from home.

There is nobody in this whole world that could be any better to attack this experience with, the love of my life. I am so happy our dream has come true. <3 I couldn't ask for a better life. Truly.

Welcome HOME.......

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