Alright Alright so as most of you know by now, I got engaged. It was lovely and I am so happy and everybody wants to know the story soooooo here ya go!
Tuesday Jan 28th
Greg got off work at 8 A.M. and had planned out our day for us. We usually like to tackle a lot during his off days while I'm here, because before you know it I'll be gone in Snowy Cold Iowa. *VOMIT*
We decided to start our day off by filling the cooler and hitting the green. There is a little golf course here on the tiny island, it's not what you picture your usual country club like...but it works. I had to get my golf ball of the airport runway multiple, that was a first lol. So after a long day of golf and drinking we grabbed a quick lunch at the chow hall and took a little nap. Later I knew we had planned on Grilling Out and Kayaking so we were gunna need the energy.
After our nap was over we tossed our suits on and started cutting up some potatoes and veggies for the grill to eat with our steaks. We packed what we thought was everything in the bag, tossed it all in the wagon, put the wagon on the bicycle, and pedaled over to the Rat Shack. (Fancy place for dining eh?) On our way over Greg realized he didn't have a lighter so told me he had to stop at the fire station and told me to pedal over to the Surf Shack to get the lighter fluid. Once we both got to the Rat Shack and unloaded stuff we realized we forgot a glove to use to grab the hot foiled tater packages, so I pedaled over to the Surf Shack once more to grab the rest of what we needed. Finally time to sit down enjoy some sangria and have some dinner with my honey. After we finished eating dinner (Greg, Myself, and one BILLION flies) it was time to walk 50 ft down the beach to the shack that has the kayaks and stuff. It was about 5:45 and the sun sets about 6:40 and Greg had the great idea of kayaking around the corner of the island so we could see the sunset. On our way over I bet Greg that he couldn't stand up in the Kayak without it tipping over and of course being the big strong man he is, he had to prove me wrong (right.) So he attempts to make his way up before a few seconds was up flips out of the kayak and falls into the ocean water. When we got around the island we noticed a little beach that was uncovered since it was low tide, so we decided to row the kayaks up to it and get out. We hung out for a while watching the colors in the sky slowly change, walking around looking at things and then we rowed back to shore. We got out and I was ready to wash the kayaks and put them away but Greg said we should do it later, even though it was going to be getting dark, I didn't argue. (Surprised? Ha) I started to walk on the other side back over to the Rat Shack and Greg told me I to get back down and walk along the beach with him, I would soon realize why.
We hold hands and walk up to the shack we had previously eaten at. It looks different. The tiki torches are lit up, candles all over lit up, bottle of wine on the table, and a wrapped box in the middle of it. This box was wrapped in Christmas wrapping and had a sticker on it that said "To Greg From Mom Love and Miss You." Obviously he was confused. I wasn't really sure what was going on. The first thing I said was what's going on how did you light these candles when we were gone? And why is your Christmas present on the table?
*About three months ago Greg's Mom had called me and asked if she could ship a nice watch she got Greg to me and I would pack it in my carry on with me when I went to visit him. When you ship stuff to the island you have to fill out a customs form that says what's in the box and how much it's worth, plus you don't always know how safely it will get here. Of course I told her yes and she insured it and sent it to me, it's been under my tree since I got it. When I arrived I had handed it to Greg and told him his Mom had sent me with his Christmas present, and he said he knew but he couldn't open it until the other present arrived that she shipped. And so it's been sitting in his place ever since.*
I walked up to the table and Greg told me to open MY PRESENT. Again I told him that it wasn't mine and he just kept quiet as he watched me open it. A GUCCI WATCH? I don't get it. So I open the box up and there is no Gucci watch. There is a ring box, it's empty. I turn around and my honey is on one knee holding the most beautiful size 4 1/2 ring I have ever seen. Right there candlelit beach side my boyfriend asked me to spend the rest of my life with him. I SAID YES! Holy shit...I just got engaged. Is this real life?! LoL I sort of blacked out and forget what all happened right then I just knew that I said yes and I couldn't stop crying. And yes if you hadn't put it together, turns out I was carrying my own engagement ring around for months! Just imagine if I had accidentally left it at home under the tree LoL. He picked it out completely on his own and already knew my size. The inside of the ring is engraved with "Forever My Love." He had also asked our friend Alana for some help by setting up the candles and stuff and lucky for me I got some awesome pictures because she was hiding behind a tree taking snap shots the whole time! Apparently Greg had been trying to propose for weeks but either the weather or I had kept ruining his plans lol. OOPS! ANNNND remember when he flipped out of the kayak into the ocean with this diamond ring in his pocket?! Some fish could have been rollin through the deep blue sea with some awesome bling...
Who knew the little fling I found when my best friend and I visited Vegas would turn into forever? (That's another blog to come.) Marriage. AH I am so excited and I am so lucky. I have been living in paradise since I met Greg. I've found the perfect man for me and I love him more than words can say!

So romantic, very happy for you. You deserve it :-)