Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Reflecting on Roi

It's be wayyyyy too long since I've updated this...

So it's been quite some time since I have had the chance to write, better yet since I have made the time to. It's just things are different when you're living "Roi Island Life." It's wonderful though. For instance if you want to get ahold of someone or make plans, you actually go knock on that person's door and talk to them face to face instead of sending a quick text like you would in the states or you call their house phone and actually speak instead of just type. 

It's also great when you meet people for a day at the beach or at the bar at night. This might seem crazy I know so brace yourself. . . but people ACTUALLY LOOK AT YOU, LIKE MAKE EYE CONTACT instead of staring into their smart phone the entire time you are out and about. That in itself is amazing, it's almost like how it used to be before these smart phones were invented. Even though I will confess to being a bit of a Facebook addict, I LOVE being out places and not seeing the tops of people's heads. Now I see their lovely faces and get to hear their awesome life stories. I get to see people enjoy spending time with others instead of spending times on their phones while around others. It almost makes me wish we didn't have cell service and internet service in more of the places we go, but with that it sure does come in handy at times! 

Aren't you going to get bored, I mean seriously what are you going to do?!

I can't tell you how many people said this to me before I left. Followed by, "Wait you won't have cell phone service and only limited internet access? A tiny island with less than 90 people, what are you going to do? I would die!" 

Well if that's true ya'll have a serious problem. C'mon this is f*!$'n paradise! For real! Just look at the island sunsets and that should be enough to sell anyone. 

I've actually considered moving out here, I love it so much and it's only been a month. However, they don't let you have dogs on the island. For anyone who knows me, you know living without my little girl is NOT an option. Hell this 2 months away from her is killing me. HA. Plus I have a great job and beautiful house in Iowa that I couldn't just leave on a quick notice. Luckily Greg's contract is only for 1 year and by the time I leave he will only have about 8 months left and should get some vacation in that time period so we can see each other. 

But seriously it's amazing here. You instantly become part of a little family. I mean when you are one of 80 some people on an entire island you all get to know each other real quick. You can actually trust people here, leave your bicycles out and a backpack sitting on a picnic table and nobody is going to bother it. Everybody is so nice and helpful. With Greg being new to the island and me being just a visitor, there are a lot of times we haven't had something we needed and every person here has been so willing to help us and let us borrow things. Maybe it's not for everyone but I can totally entertain myself and get along with most anybody. I've read quite a few books to pass time, worked on some art of which I'll be posting more on soon, and just made time to do nothing. Think about this.... 

When is the last time you did nothing and embraced it? Didn't have a plan or schedule for the day? Just lived in the moment with no time restraints?

I know most people aren't lucky enough to be in the spot I'm currently in and with jobs, reality, kids, and all that stuff it can seem impossible. Sometimes it's great to just do nothing. 

Literally I'll just lie in the hammock and take everything in. Feel the warmth of the sun, hear the ocean waves crash in, feel the ocean salt infused breeze on my skin, hear the palm trees blowing above me shading my face, watch all the little creatures come to life as I sit there so still and peaceful. The geckos, hermit crabs, ghost crabs, butterflies, birds, just everything. I actually laid in this hammock for 2 hours once expecting to finish a book and instead watched this little army of hermit crabs beneath me. There were probably 50-75 of them. I was eating sunflower seeds (just like I am now as I write this lol) and when I'd spit the shell out they would all fight over who got it. I was even able to spot the bully crab LoL I let him know real quick I was part of the anti bullying movement and poked him with my stick so the runt crab could enjoy my seed and the bully move on! I let him know he shouldn't be so crabby with the little crabs HA HA! It was so fun to watch them crawl around with their beautiful shell homes on their backs. It's just great because here you can actually be BY YOURSELF and think, reflect, observe, and people need that yet a lot of people never do that. Any other beach you go to is packed with people and the people you do see aren't truly getting away they are laying out with their phones or I pads tweeting about what they are doing at that exact moment instead of just living in it. I am living in pure bliss right now and absolutely love it, every second of it. 

Get out there and enjoy whatever bliss may be for you, find a day and do nothing but ENJOY and live in the moment! 

1 comment:

  1. Best Blog By Far.. I also am a no cell phone in public enthusiast.. I know there awesome and have cool games, you can look up most anything, which does come in handy if your looking for a good restraunt or finding directions.. But like you said - Once you get there or are out eating a nice dinner with fam, freinds, or kids PUT THEM AWAY and enjoy your time.. No one needs to know what the Kardashiens (if thats how you spell it ) are doing while you watch a show or are on the beach.. Sorry for the rant.. Blogs are getting better by the minute..
